Dolce Estivo Quarterly Memberships are live!
We have some exciting new offerings in the works, stay tuned.


Where summertime meets sweet

 Dolce Estivo was founded upon the intersectionality between family tradition and community. What once started as a passion grew into an identity. Dolce Estivo was created in 1910 where my family grew grapes and made wine in their back yard in Connecticut after immigrating from their small village in Sicily, Italy. The inspiration of Dolce Estivo is that of sharing, friendship, and original roots. The roots of our wine come from the story of Falernus and Bacchus in year 121 B.C. Falernus was a grape farmer and shepherd on Mount Massico, a dormant volcano just outside of Naples, Italy. It was told that Falernus welcomed his home, food, and wine to a wandering stranger. After great community, enjoyment and an inebriated slumber, Falernus woke to the stranger missing but feeling blessed because the stranger had later become know as Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine, whom in turn blessed his vineyard to become most exquisite varietal known to Rome. And so thus the vinification of Roman had begun.

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The Secret to our Success

  What sets Dolce Estivo apart from the rest is our commitment to our core values and passion for the community met with our traditional craft where it leaves nothing left to be desired.
  Between sourcing grapes from a natural supplier and an intimate understanding of historically inspired wine making techniques, we are able to strike that perfect balance that yields such bold, mouthwatering, refreshing wines and natural wines.

Core Values


People are our most valued asset because without people, there would be no community.


You’ve heard the saying, it takes a village. We are sociable creatures and thrive with the strength of a community.

Environmental responsibility

We believe that the earth we live on needs to be taken care of, so we recycle and maintain environmental safety where needed.

social responsibility

All people are important, and so are their human rights. Period. We support LGBTQIA, Women’s rights, Minority groups, and do not tolerate ANY discrimination.

Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it! – Here’s what our connoisseurs think:

The passion the winemaker has for her craft is evident in her wine.                                                                                                                                                                                         

Shannon E.

I’ve had the opportunity to sample some amazing wine styles as well as sangria. This is a bold and delightful concept that I recommend to anyone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

R.C. Rondero De Mosier

Small Batch with a big flavor! Dolce Estivo is a new classic standard of Roman wine.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Shay D.

Very clean presentation in the glass, showing dedication by the winemaker. Perfect balance of fruit combined with a bold Grenache, producing an easy to drink wine straight from the bottle that isn’t sweet. Perfect balance on the palate, resulting in a pour that will leave you wanting another round.                         

Rich R.

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